Jim took me to the Olive Garden for my birthday. We were in Milwaukee and, as luck would have it, we had a load that wasn't going to need to be picked up until the next day, so we decided to stay in a hotel and go out for a nice dinner - sort of like regular people, you know. We'd really hoped to go ahead and get the load and head toward Flint, Michigan with it since the weather channel was predicting a bad winter storm with travel advisories for most of the Midwest, including Milwaukee, Flint, and most points in between. By the time we checked into the hotel, the snow was already falling, and it continued throughout the night. When we headed out to go to the Olive Garden, the truck was covered in snow, and we had to put on our boots to get in and out of the hotel. It was really pretty though, even if it was a little bit unnerving to think about driving in a REAL winter storm. When we got out at the restaurant, the wind hit us and felt like a blast of ice. It was sleeting by then, so it probably WAS a blast of ice, but it was nice and warm inside, and we had a wonderful dinner. Jim asked the waitress to take our picture, but for some reason they all came out bad. I kid you not, we both looked like we were drunk even though we only had peach tea. Really!! Needless to say, I don't plan to put those pictures on the blog, but I will add some of the snow. I didn't know Olive Garden would bring you a birthday cake and sing you a song, but I found out before we left that they do. It was a loud Italian song, so everyone around us was staring (you think maybe that's the whole idea?? I don't know.) Jim assured me later that he had written the song especially for me and had them sing it. I told him that was so sweet and asked him to sing the special-written-for-me-song to me himself, but he said it just wouldn't be the same. And I didn't even know he could speak Italian!!!
It was fun, though, and we made it to Flint without incident. We're at the GM plant now letting them unload the truck. Then we'll see where our next grand adventure will be. Who knows, maybe they'll send us to Alaska just for grins. If so, I may be home for Christmas sooner than we had planned! In fact, I may not ever leave. :)
I received a called from my niece, Delana this morning. She's my brother's daughter, and she lives outside Cincinnati with her husband, Roger. She was in a car accident this morning. Apparently, 17-year-old girl was talking on her cell phone and ran a red light and hit her broadside. She had a friend and her friend's 7-year-old son with her. Everyone was ok, praise God, with just some minor cuts and bruises, but it totaled both cars. Delana was pretty shaken when she called, so please keep her in your prayers.
I hope everyone else is safe, well and staying warm.
Love to all and hope to see you soon.
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