Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh, how I love perusing garage sales! Don’t ask me why. I was never a GS aficionado before, but after moving to Ballinger and going to a few estate sales, I was hooked. Some of them give you the sense of stepping back into another era, with musty old houses and rooms that haven’t breathed fresh air in decades. Emily Grierson, anyone?

I spent Saturday morning garage saleing (well, I know it’s not “selling” or “sailing”) in San Angelo with Tamara, while the guys were at the lake fishing, and we both found some real gems.

Tam got a steal on this giant stuffed Valentine’s Bear at the Christians-in-Action store. She shelled out a whopping $1 for the pleasure of watching Samson and Lilly devour the poor creature. As you can see, she is multi-talented in that she can snatch up a bargain, text a friend, and pose for a picture simultaneously, using only two hands! =)

The second pic is what was reported to have transpired after I left. Note the remains of the two smaller, less fortunate stuffed mammals….(It’s so FLUFFY!) post-Labrador. And finally, one of Samson subduing the giant grizzly (or perhaps more accurately, hoarding it to keep Lily from ripping it to shreds.) Love those grand-pups!

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