Monday, November 26, 2007

We took a load to Laredo last Wednesday, then got the chance to have dinner with Jonathan and Doug in New Braunfels before heading back toward Dallas. We had Thanksgiving dinner at Luby's in Ft Worth, but it left a bit to be desired. I told Jim it wasn't my Mom's Turkey and Dressing. :0(

We ended up sitting there a couple of days since things slowed down for the holiday. I got an email from my good friend (adopted sister) Kathy Hall, saying that she and her husband, Kim had stopped at a Flying J in Dallas and saw a Panther truck that looked like ours and thought about us. I told her we were sitting at the only Flying J in Dallas that day, so it must have been us! We both lamented the fact that we didn't know it and get the chance to visit. What were the chances? I'm telling you, it's a smaller world than you think.

We saw a little bit of sleet on our way into Dallas, but from then on, it's just been raining. Here we've been worrying about snow and ice, and it snowed over 6" in Snyder and Midland while we were farther north with no snow at all. We were thankful for the good roads, though.

We ended up taking a load from Dallas to the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi, and now we're in Memphis, where we are supposed to pick up a load to take to Louisville, Kentucky. When we got here, about 10 minutes ago (at 4am), we found out the load we're supposed to take is still sitting in Houston. We're waiting on Panther to find out what the deal is, so we'll see. It's still raining, so if we don't end up taking this load, it will be good sleeping weather for a few more hours.

We've been through Louisville a number of times, and I have always wanted to go to see the Churchill Downs racetrack. We were back through there a few days ago, with plenty of time to spare, so we drove by and took some pictures.

We're looking forward to taking a week off at Christmas and going home. We'll fly into Lubbock, then drive to Snyder, then spend the following weekend in Junction with the boys before driving back to Indy.

Maybe the snow will be back by then, and we'll have a white Christmas! yeah, right! :0)

Love and miss you all,
Jim and Sandy

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