Saturday, December 15, 2007

Well, we put in a request for Texas, but those guys at Panther are no geography experts. They sent us from Detroit to Atlanta, Atlanta to Decatur Alabama, Decatur to Chicago, Chicago to Indianapolis, and now we're headed from Seymour, Indiana to Windsor, Ontario. You'd think a state the size of Texas would be hard to miss, but I'm not even sure they know where it is :0)

Jim was talking to a dispatcher on the phone to check our board position in Decatur, and the guy said, Decatur isn't in Alabama, it's in Illinois. Jim assured him there WAS one in Alabama, and that we were sitting there, but he said, "No, I'm from Illinois, and I know where Decatur is." We finally gave up and told him we were in Valhermosa, Alabama (15 miles from Decatur) and he looked at his screen and said, "Oh, there you are!" I'll bet he'd flip if we told him there was a Decatur, Texas, too.

We were talking to another dispatcher when we were in Louisville, Kentucky, who offered us a load going to Ohio. She said, "Oh well, it's a short load, but at least it will get you closer to home." We just looked at each other. She didn't seem to have a notion that home for us bears no resemblance to home for her, which IS in Ohio where Panther's offices are located. Where do they get these people???

Actually, there are a lot of city names that get repeated from state to state. Bowling Green seems to be a popular one. We knew about Bowling Green, Kentucky, because we've been through there so many times. I looked it up online to find the origin of the name, and found out that there are towns named Bowling Green in New York, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Kentucky. The ones in Ohio and Florida were named after Bowling Green, Kentucky; the one in Kentucky was named after the one in New York, where patriots had pulled down a statue of King George III and used the lead to make bullets during the American Revolution. It's also where the New York City ticker-tape parades originated and is the oldest park in New York City. In 1773, it was converted to an actual bowling green (lawn bowling), hense the name. (I'm sure you couldn't have lived another minute without knowing all that, but it was interesting to me.

We woke up in Inianapolis this morning to find out it was snowing and apparently had been for awhile. So I checked out the forcast for Detroit/Windsor and found out they are forecasting over a foot of snow tonight and tomorrow. Troy, you'd better head this way with those burritos - we might need them (with extra hot sauce!!)

Anyway, they're giving us 27 hours to drive a short 341 miles, so we're not too worried. We'll go about half way tonight, get some sleep, then head on up and deliver it tomorrow. All this snow just makes me more homesick and ready for Christmas. Maybe we'll find some non-contaminated snow, and I'll make some snow ice cream. Jim says he's never heard of such a thing, but I've assured him it's pretty good stuff.

Hope to see you all soon.

Love ya,
Jim and Sandy


Jennifer said...

Okay, I have tried to send this before but had little luck, so maybe this posting will reach you. I just wanted to say "hello" and that I am glad you both are doing well. I finally had a chance to read your blog and enjoyed hearing about your experiences. I am finally finished with school and will receive my diploma through the mail from Liberty University so I will have more time for fun things like keeping up with you two. No more homework!! I am sorry that I missed both of your birthdays but "Happy Birthday" to you both. I look forward to seeing you both at moms soon for Christmas. Please be careful while on the road, especially while driving through all that snow and ice. Love you guys,

Troy said...

Merry Christmas to my favorite truckers. (Actually, the only truckers I know but who's counting?) Man, I thought it was cold down here. I had to postpone a welding job the other day because of the wind and cold - afraid sparks might start a fire but, that was nothing compared to what you guys are in. Jim, is that what's causing a slight hint of gray in the old beard?

The picture of the Kanahawa River makes you want to hit the water with canoes, doesn't it?!If you can let me know where you'll be 3-5 days ahead of time, I'll have UPS air drop in those burritos, Sandy.

Things are good here. I'm out of schoold and Triesta get out Friday. We head for College Station to see her brother's family and then to Dallas for Christmas day. Should be back the early part of the week after Christmas. Hope we can visit some if time and schedules allow.

The wind is supposed to pick up again this afternoon so I need to get as much welding done as I can so better go. Keep the posts and pictures coming. We really do enjoy them.

Drive careful and stay warm.
